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Your Ultimate Guide To Tinnitus

by Roel van Gorkum
| January 9, 2023

Tinnitus is a condition that impacts people all around the world. It affects the members of your favorite bands, the people who work on the machines that build our world, and everyday people like you and me. Across all ages, backgrounds, and hobbies, you can find people with this condition–and you just might have it yourself too. Whether you have been recently diagnosed or you are just curious, keep scrolling to learn everything there is to know about tinnitus!

Tinnitus Basics

You have probably heard of tinnitus, but do you actually know what it is and what it does? There are a lot of rumors about this condition, so let’s find out the truth about tinnitus. We are going to explore tinnitus basics and the history of this condition.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a medical condition impacting the inner ear and brain that leads to chronic or recurring ringing in the ears. The noise that is heard by those who have tinnitus is not physically present, which means that no one else hears it. However, it is very real for those who have this condition.

A Brief History of Tinnitus

For thousands of years, tinnitus has been a part of human culture, even if we didn’t always have a name for it. Unlike some other conditions, tinnitus is not one that has evolved with time. It is simply a condition that we can develop because of the complex systems within our ears.

Who Discovered it?

As a condition, records of tinnitus can be traced all the way back to ancient Egypt. Even though tinnitus is a global phenomenon, this is where the oldest recorded texts pertaining to tinnitus are from. Specifically, tinnitus was found in the Ebers Papyrus, a medical journal that existed around 1500 BC–though some historians do contest this. Throughout time, more civilizations documented tinnitus as a condition, each seeking out their own explanations and treatments. 

First Diagnosis

The timeline for the first diagnosis is taken from the written records associated with treating tinnitus. Though we do not know the first “official” case of tinnitus, we do know that it likely happened between 1500-1600 BC

Tinnitus in Mainstream Media and Celebrity Culture

Since tinnitus impacts hundreds of millions of people around the globe, it makes sense that it has found its way into modern spaces. In this day and age, tinnitus talk is very common. Tinnitus can be found in everything from scientific journals to movies! In fact, the film A Star is Born, released in 2018, has a main character who grapples with tinnitus on the big screen. You can even find a full collection of movies that some people say interfere with their tinnitus on the popular movie site IMDb! In recent years, tinnitus has even become more prominent in celebrity culture as more famous individuals have begun to speak out about their experiences with tinnitus.

Popular Celebrities with Tinnitus Include:

●      Keanu Reeves

●      Bob Dylan

●      Ozzy Osbourn

●      Halle Berry

●      Bono

●      Sylvester Stallone

How Many People Experience Tinnitus?

It is generally accepted that everyone will experience the symptoms of tinnitus at some point during their lives. The average person will have a ringing in their ears that lasts for a few minutes before going away on occasion. Most people understand what you mean when you mention this sound, but experiencing this singular tinnitus symptom and having true chronic tinnitus are two very different things.

The Average Person Can Experience Tinnitus Caused By:

●      Concerts

●      Listening to loud content in headphones 

●      Exposure to loud noises of any kind

●      Certain medical conditions or medications

“Recommending to anyone with tinnitus. My sleep has improved and I’m less anxious. Role’s teaching style is to the point and give me hope!” – James

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How Many People Have Tinnitus?

systemic review and analysis of multiple prominent scientific articles determined that tinnitus impacts an estimated 14% of the global population. Among the individuals with tinnitus, people with severe tinnitus account for up to 3.1% of all people with tinnitus. However, chronic tinnitus was found in up to 19% of those who experience it. 

What Does Tinnitus Sound Like?

People commonly diagnose tinnitus as a ringing in the ears, but the reality is a little different for everyone. The sound of your tinnitus might differ from the sounds experienced by other people with the condition. In some rare cases, tinnitus is actually musical tinnitus, also commonly known as musical ear syndrome or tinnitus music. People with musical ear syndrome hear music that is not physically being played instead of more traditional sounds.

Other Tinnitus Sounds Include:

●      Ringing

●      Humming

●      Hissing

●      Whirring

●      White noise

●      Clicking

●      Crickets 

People with Tinnitus

With common medical conditions, there are often connection points that tie people together and explain what caused the condition in the first place. Tinnitus is currently impacting people all around the world—people from different backgrounds, access to different kinds of medical care, and physical locations. Still, there might be more to bring these people together than you would think. Who has tinnitus, and why do they have it? Let’s find out.

Can Anyone Get Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a condition that can absolutely impact anyone at any point in time. This condition is not dependent upon preexisting factors and can influence anyone who has the capacity to interpret sounds and process them in their minds. This includes most people, including those who have difficulty hearing

Who is Impacted by Tinnitus?

Current estimates suggest that over 700 million people around the world have tinnitus—and these are just the documented and suspected cases. In reality, the number is likely much higher. Due to common misunderstandings, some people have mild tinnitus and believe that because it isn’t as extreme, they don’t technically have it at all. These beliefs can influence numbers.

Anyone can get tinnitus, and that is the truth—but the fact is that tinnitus does impact some more than others. For a lot of people, tinnitus is a risk that comes with their interests and hobbies.

People with Ear Trauma

As a general rule, there are no exceptions when it comes to tinnitus. This is a condition that can impact anyone at any time. In some cases, tinnitus is many years in the making. For others, it really just comes down to a singular incident. You might develop it after years of listening to loud music or in one unfortunate accident. Tinnitus disproportionately affects those with any form of hearing loss, which is over 1.5 million people globally. We all face risks that make tinnitus possible every day. If you damage your inner ear, tinnitus is almost always a potential outcome.

Risk Factors for Everyday People Include:

  • Existing hearing loss
  • Exposure to loud noises of any kind 
  • Hearing loss or hearing damage
  • Damage to the inner ear
  • Certain career paths or hobbies


Anyone with a sound-focused career is generally more likely to be at risk, and musicians are another largely impacted group. For musicians, developing tinnitus is not only likely—but it can sometimes mean the end of a career. How long does tinnitus last? For a lot of people, tinnitus can be permanent without intervention. When asked, 35% of orchestra musicians said they experienced tinnitus to some degree, with 19% of them flagging for severe tinnitus. 

Risk Factors for Musicians Include:

  • Exposure to loud music
  • Exposure to loud noises for extended periods of time while training and performing
  • Exposure to malfunctioning sound equipment


Athletes don’t necessarily perform exclusively with loud music or loud noises—but loud noises always tend to be a part of the deal. Student athletes report experiencing tinnitus 13% of the time after games due to cheering, and that is with crowds a fraction of the size of professional games. Estimates suggest that only 15 minutes of exposure to cheering at a sports game can place you at risk of hearing loss and tinnitus. Between music and commentators blaring over speakers and the steady roar of an excited crowd, athletes often report instances of tinnitus. 

One measurement from a sports game at CenturyLink Stadium set the Guinness World Record in 2013 for the highest level of crowd noise when fans reached an astounding 137.6 decibels (nearly double what is considered safe). Adding to this, they can also be at additional risks posed by physical injury. All it takes is one fall off a board and the wrong crash of a wave to create a lifelong condition. Most athletes are used to exercising–but exercises for tinnitus can be a whole different ballgame. 

Risk Factors for Athletes Include:

  • Sound systems and speakers
  • Cheering crowds
  • Physical injury

Trade Workers

Tinnitus among tradesmen is so common that there are even Reddit discussions dedicated to tinnitus talk. One study even found that 33% of interviewed respondents with tinnitus worked in some kind of industrial or tradesmen sector. The real reason that tinnitus talk is so common in these circles comes down to the nature of the work. Hands-on jobs have a tendency to come with exposure to all kinds of loud noises, placing them at risk.

Risk Factors for Trade Workers Include:

  • Loud machinery
  • Improper or faulty hearing protection
  • Crashes, bangs, and other sudden noises


Military members are one of the most widely impacted groups when it comes to tinnitus. These individuals are often placed in loud operating environments, which means that their likelihood of coming into contact with sounds above the acceptable range is fairly high. Surprisingly enough, one study found that over the course of 14 years, the incidence rate of tinnitus for members of the U.S. military alone more than tripled. In line with this, more than 1.5 million U.S. veterans receive disability compensation for tinnitus each year on average.

Risk Factors for Military Personnel Include:

  • Exposure to loud machinery
  • Exposure to loud traveling conditions
  • Exposure to loud weapons or explosions
  • Increased likelihood of physical injury

Tinnitus and Age

In the same way that anyone from any background can end up with tinnitus, being a certain age won’t keep you from developing it. Tinnitus can impact people of any age. Many parents are surprised to learn about the prevalence of tinnitus in children. Children with normal hearing report experiencing tinnitus at some point up to 13% of the time when asked. For children who have any hearing-related challenges, the number increases to 29% of children

Even though tinnitus impacts an estimated 15% of the global population, it does disproportionately impact people who are over the age of 40. The highest reported numbers for tinnitus are in people between the ages of 60 and 69, with 14.3% of people reporting ongoing tinnitus symptoms. Another study also found that older patients with tinnitus are more likely to experience distress and higher levels of discomfort brought on by their tinnitus. What makes tinnitus worse can vary, but age is a big factor.

How People Get Tinnitus

There are many different ways for a person to end up with tinnitus, but you might not realize just how common some of the risk factors are. The American Tinnitus Association has released an entire lifestyle guide addressing noise levels and risks. The following circumstances can increase your likelihood of developing tinnitus, especially if they are an active part of your lifestyle.


You don’t need to be a career musician to feel the impacts that these environments can have on your hearing. In fact, 53% of people have reported experiencing tinnitus after a concert, with 26% of those cases being severe enough to turn into a chronic condition. Concerts, in particular, might also raise risks because of the associations between tinnitus and alcohol, which is commonly consumed at concerts.


Though a lot of us love the joys of fireworks and the beautiful displays that they bring, they are a huge risk when it comes to hearing. On average, fireworks going off can reach up to 155 decibels (experts recommend limiting exposure to noises over 70 decibels). The risks associated with fireworks only increase as you get closer to them when they are being set off.


Every day, accidents happen, whether we are prepared for them or not. The nature of accidents can vary, but the likelihood of coming out of some type of an accident with temporary or ongoing tinnitus might be higher than you think. After a car accident, tinnitus can be a warning sign of a deeper physical injury or appear as the result of the noise involved with the crash. 

It isn’t always major accidents that lead to tinnitus either. Simply being hit the wrong way or falling while you do something (like kitesurfing) can lead you to potentially injure your ear.

Accident-Related Risks Include:

  • Sudden exposure to loud noises, explosions, or crashes
  • Physical damage to the ear and inner ear
  • Concussions 

Weapons Training

Weapons are well-known for the loud noises that come with them whether you are firing a gun of any size or working with explosives. These loud noises can increase your risk of tinnitus, even if you are careful and use noise protection. Sadly, hearing protection doesn’t always work. The risk increases in direct response to the weapons. 

The Tinnitus Experience

It is one thing to hear about tinnitus and its symptoms and another thing entirely to find yourself living with it. Tinnitus is a complex condition with many potential symptoms and varying levels of impact. Some people experience a constant and unwavering level of tinnitus, while others can see it get better or worse with time. Your experience is your own, but there are some potential factors that it might benefit you to know.

Physical Symptoms Associated with Tinnitus

People with tinnitus experience different symptoms depending on the extent of the condition and certain lifestyle factors. For many, there are “physical” symptoms that are associated with tinnitus–even though the sound is not necessarily physically real itself. 

Common Physical Symptoms Include:

  • An ongoing ringing, buzzing, clicking, humming, or other continuous noise that can be heard constantly
  • Pain or discomfort as a result of the ongoing sound
  • Migraines or headaches with tinnitus
  • Physical symptoms associated with a lack of sleep (loss of energy, headaches, poor recovery rates)
  • Dizziness (often associated with tinnitus in one ear only)

Mental and Emotional Symptoms of Tinnitus

Due to the often annoying, inconvenient, and even painful nature of tinnitus, people often also experience secondary conditions to tinnitus that influence their mental health. Life with any chronic condition isn’t easy, and tinnitus is generally unpleasant for a lot of people. One study found depression and anxiety-related symptoms in over 20% of people with tinnitus.

Common Mental and Emotional Symptoms Include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia or poor sleep quality
  • Frustration
  • Irritability
  • Loss or a sense of mourning
  • Feeling confused or alone

Living with an Invisible Illness

Tinnitus might be an active part of your life, but it does fall into the category of invisible illnesses. Invisible illnesses are conditions that cause physical discomfort and distress but do not have externally visible symptoms. Ultimately, since you are the only one who can hear your tinnitus, no one else can tell that you have it just by looking at you. 

Though only 10% of people have an invisible illness, 96% of people with chronic conditions have conditions that can be classified as invisible illnesses–and this is no easy thing to live with. People won’t always be able to understand what is going on with you, which means they also might not understand your symptoms or limitations.

Common Struggles with Invisible Illnesses Include:

  • Struggling in silence
  • Feeling like you are “being dramatic” or “faking it” simply because no one else can understand what you are going through
  • Struggling with the way people perceive you or your limitations
  • Being frustrated that you can’t just live like people without tinnitus
  • Constantly having to explain your limitations, symptoms, and condition

The Tinnitus Spectrum

The strange thing about chronic conditions is that no two experiences are ever truly identical. There are many shared experiences, but your exact experience and list of symptoms will be fairly unique to you. With that being said, there are different severities of tinnitus that can largely influence how it impacts your life.

Mild Tinnitus

People with mild tinnitus are the people who are least likely to have complex or truly unpleasant symptoms. For these people, the sounds may be present–but it might not be there 100% of the time, or you might even be able to ignore them. It is believed that roughly 55% of people with tinnitus have mild or moderate tinnitus that does not largely impact their lives. At lower levels, tinnitus is an inconvenience that can sometimes get worse in response to certain stimuli

Moderate Tinnitus

When you have moderate chronic tinnitus, you should expect some of the more problematic symptoms. At this level, you will likely feel the pressure of the constant noises that come with tinnitus. It is also possible to experience more of the mental and emotional symptoms associated with the condition as well. 

Severe Tinnitus

Severe tinnitus can be painful and have a significant impact on a person’s life, which is why many people receive disability pay for it. Experts believe that severe tinnitus only influences about 2% of the population. This form of tinnitus is often extreme and unwavering, acting as a constant source of discomfort for you–day and night. It can have debilitating effects. 

“My Tinnitus has become more quiet and I can cope much better now. The holistic view of stress and tinnitus and the ‘prehistoric brain’ clarified a lot for me.” – Suzan

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What People Say About Life with Tinnitus

For a very long time, people with tinnitus suffered in silence. However, like many other groups, the internet has changed the way that this works. Now, you can find entire communities online full of people who are living with tinnitus and sharing their stories. 

Quotes on Tinnitus Include:

  • “I have tinnitus, it’s very loud. It’s louder than people’s voices and I can often hear it over music but actually I’ve found a way to live so it doesn’t bother me. Some days I don’t even think of it.” @makedaisychains 
  • “Tinnitus teaches one to be stronger mentally. So try to learn from it and you will be able to live with it.” @friendswithtinnitus
  • “Hearing loss increases the ‘cognitive load’ that is placed on the brain, meaning that the brain has to work harder to process the same information.” @nychearingspecialist
  • “Severe chronic #tinnitus for 12 yrs has affected me profoundly. No quiet, no peace, constant battle to think ‘around’ the sound. Meditation is nearly impossible, but breathing exercises sometimes help. Tinnitus people are desperate; we’ll give almost anything a try.” @annmooreauthor
  • “I suddenly developed Tinnitus and went through the most frustrating time of my life battling the ringing in my ears. Nothing worked, and my tinnitus, my stress and even my sleep got to a point where it became unbearable. I decided to stop battling and start learning. I wanted to understand the mechanisms behind what was happening in my head. I needed to find out what was causing it, and what was making my tinnitus worse.” @Roel van Gorkum

How to Support Loved Ones with Tinnitus

When something impacts a person that you love, it can make you want to take action. Being a support system and ally for those who have tinnitus empowers you to help them on their journeys. In many cases, having that support can have a lasting impact.

Ways to Support People with Tinnitus:

  • Check-in with them and ask how they are feeling regularly
  • Be aware of potential triggers and what makes tinnitus worse
  • Offer mental health support and plenty of compassion
  • Be patient with them when they are feeling down, irritable, or can’t participate in something
  • Be understanding and positive as they pursue potential treatment options
  • Listen to them when they need it

Managing Your Tinnitus

Does tinnitus go away? What can you do to live a more comfortable life? After receiving a tinnitus diagnosis, you will need to find ways to manage your tinnitus and the symptoms that come with it. You might automatically assume that this all comes down to receiving treatment, but managing your tinnitus can often go beyond standard treatments. 

Managing tinnitus isn’t just about doing what you can to minimize symptoms. It is about finding ways to come to terms with the changes and potential secondary conditions of tinnitus. Despite what some people say online, treatment can help you to manage your tinnitus, but true management comes down to finding a place for tinnitus in your life.

Educate Yourself

The first step you will want to take any time that you receive a diagnosis for a new medical condition is to educate yourself. Find out what makes tinnitus worse and how it all works. When a doctor tells you that you have tinnitus or you find yourself learning that you do while reading an educational post on the internet, your next step should always be to conduct your own research.

Educating yourself on tinnitus is a practice that can really help you to come to terms with the condition, but it is also one that can be dangerous if you aren’t careful. If you click on the wrong How I Cured My Tinnitus blog, you might be setting yourself up to learn bad information. To ensure that you are learning the right information, it is very important to consider your sources. High-quality sources, like the National Library of Medicine or the American Tinnitus Association, can help you to gain insights and keep you away from comment sections that are full of rumors and hearsay. 

Effective Ways to Educate Yourself:

  • Read scientific journals or articles that gather their information from dedicated scientific sources
  • Look for government websites pertaining to tinnitus research and treatment
  • Consider the release date of information when you see conflicting beliefs online
  • Talk to medical professionals about the condition
  • Avoid sources that focus entirely on experience with no scientific facts 

The more that you learn about tinnitus, the more likely you are to be able to play an active role in your own treatment plan. This can be a huge step toward your recovery.

Stay Open-Minded

Online, you will see plenty of frustrations regarding tinnitus–especially in forums. It is true that tinnitus can be fairly difficult to live with for some people. Sometimes, the treatment options that are available really don’t deliver the results that people want to see. 

Instead of taking these rumors and personal experiences as the absolute truth, take time to consider the fact that tinnitus is a condition that impacts hundreds of millions of people and includes many different experiences. Treatment for tinnitus will not always be effective or a quick fix, but the fact is that showing up is more important than anything when treating tinnitus. 

How to Keep an Open Mind on Tinnitus:

  • Remind yourself that everyone’s experience is different and will not necessarily reflect your own
  • Remember that there are a lot of treatment options available, and you can always try another option if one doesn’t work
  • Focus on remaining hopeful about your future with tinnitus
  • Be patient and allow yourself to hurt or grieve as you come to terms with your diagnosis 

Use Proven Treatment Methods

Finding the right treatment plan to assist with your tinnitus is one big part of managing your tinnitus. The fact is that it is highly unlikely–though not impossible–that your tinnitus will simply go away if you choose to ignore it. Treatment methods, particularly those that are backed by science, can help you to mitigate many of the symptoms that are associated with tinnitus. 

With any condition, there will always be people who claim to have found a secret cure. An online search for tinnitus cures will come back with everything from avoiding tinnitus and alcohol to adopting a low-fat diet, all the way to neck exercises for tinnitus and using magnesium for tinnitus. Surprisingly, there is science to support these treatments–but that doesn’t mean that they are effective as standalone treatment methods or even right for most people who have tinnitus, which is why it is important to do your research. Focusing on scientifically-proven treatment methods that deliver results can help you to feel more positive about finding the answers that you need. 

Strengthen Your Mental Health

Mental health and tinnitus often go hand-in-hand–and not in a good way either. It is natural for people who experience chronic tinnitus to also struggle with secondary mental health conditions because of the nature of tinnitus. Some people can end up frustrated by the constant noise, while others find themselves completely unable to sleep or even experiencing recurring headaches with tinnitus. If you truly want to manage your tinnitus, you will want to support your mental health as well. 

Ways to Strengthen Your Mental Health:

  • Participate in therapy sessions (particularly TRT and CBT)
  • Take a dedicated relief course that focuses on mental health and physical health
  • Allow yourself to be upset and grieve as necessary
  • Use helpful tools (noise machines, background music, medication) to ensure that you get enough sleep
  • Embrace meditation and journaling practices to help you process your emotions
  • Find a support system that you can talk with on bad days
  • Participate in activities that reduce stress (walks in nature, spending time on hobbies, enjoying time with friends)

Tinnitus FAQs

What Causes Tinnitus?

Tinnitus does not have one singular cause, but it does have several known causes. In some cases, you might not know what caused your tinnitus. Fortunately, this will likely not influence your experience or your treatment.

Common Causes Include:

●      Exposure to loud noises of any kind

●      Long-term exposure to noises that are above a certain threshold

●      Physical accidents

●      Hearing loss

What is the Correct Tinnitus Pronunciation?

The pronunciation of tinnitus can vary depending on region and different accents. However, the most common way to pronounce the word is ti-nuh-tuhs.  

Can Tinnitus Be Cured?

There is no one cure for tinnitus, but that does not mean that you can’t do anything about it. There are several options for treatment available that many people explore with varying levels of success. You might not be able to “cure” your tinnitus, but you can certainly manage the symptoms and learn to live with it.

Is Tinnitus Genetic?

Anyone can develop tinnitus, but some research shows that tinnitus can be genetic in nature. There is only one known gene associated with tinnitus at this time, but this may change as we learn more. In most cases, tinnitus is not dependent upon a genetic factor.

Does Tinnitus Go Away Naturally?

Tinnitus can go away naturally, but that isn’t very common. Cases where tinnitus goes away are often temporary cases caused by a specific circumstance, like attending a loud concert or sports game. In other cases, tinnitus can go away “naturally” when you treat certain medical conditions or cut certain medications.

In the majority of cases, tinnitus will not change unless you actively pursue treatment. Chronic tinnitus will stick with you for years or even decades unless you take active steps to manage the symptoms. Fortunately, with treatment, you can relieve yourself of tinnitus and its symptoms.

How Can You Stop Tinnitus?

Tinnitus does not have a simple off-switch, and that can make living with it feel very difficult. There is no guaranteed way to “stop” tinnitus, but there are many things that you can do to help lessen its symptoms and reduce its intensity so you hear it less. While not every approach to treatment or tinnitus exercise will work for you, exploring your options and sticking with your treatment plans can lessen the ringing in your ears.

Potential Treatments Include:

·       Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

·       Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

·       Masking Devices

·       The Still Tinnitus Method

How Can You Prevent Tinnitus?

There are many different factors that can increase your risk of developing tinnitus. Preventing tinnitus is not always easy, but it is possible with some best practices. In order to prevent tinnitus, you will want to take steps that protect your hearing.

Prevention Tips:

●      Avoid loud noises

●      Turn down your headphone volume

●      Wear hearing protection when necessary

●      Use helpful tools, like the iPhone’s Headphone Safety feature

●      Avoid sticking anything in your ears

Does Tinnitus Cause Deafness?

No, but this is a common myth about tinnitus. Deafness can cause tinnitus, but tinnitus will not make you deaf and will not impact your hearing. 

Is Tinnitus Permanent?

Since there is no guaranteed cure for tinnitus that is supported globally, tinnitus is generally listed as a permanent condition because it has the potential to be. With treatment, however, symptoms can be minimized or silenced completely in some cases.

Is Tinnitus a Disability?

Yes, in many places around the world, tinnitus is classified as a disability and can make you eligible for both short-term and long-term benefits. There are entire support systems to offer compensation and aid for those who find their daily lives interrupted by tinnitus. However, there are certain criteria that need to be met in order for tinnitus to qualify as a disability. These qualifications can differ by location, so always do your research. When in doubt, you can always ask your doctor.

Does Tinnitus Impact Mental Health?

It is true that tinnitus can impact mental health. Since tinnitus can vary in severity and ranges from being a nuisance to a full-blown problem, it is common for people with tinnitus to report impacts on their mental health. 

What Should I Do if I Think I Have Tinnitus?

Most people can self-diagnose chronic tinnitus. However, understanding what tinnitus means for you is a much bigger discussion. If you believe that you or a loved one have tinnitus, it is always best to schedule an appointment with a doctor to reach a proper diagnosis with a tinnitus test and discuss treatment.

Is Tinnitus a Dangerous Condition?

Tinnitus is not considered to be a dangerous condition. However, that does not mean that it cannot have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life and overall sense of comfort.

Can Medication Cause Tinnitus?

Yes, medication is a potential cause of tinnitus in some cases. When this occurs, it is often possible to remove or reduce the symptoms of tinnitus by lowering the medication dose or stopping the medication completely.

Common Medication Types That Can Cause Tinnitus Include:

●      Antibiotics

●      Diuretics

●      Antidepressants

●      Anxiety medication

●      Pain medications

What Are Tinnitus Secondary Conditions?

Secondary conditions are conditions that develop as a byproduct of other conditions. In some cases, tinnitus can come with secondary conditions, like tinnitus migraines, anxiety, or depression.

Why Did I Suddenly Develop Tinnitus?

Sudden onset of tinnitus can happen for many different reasons. It is fairly common to experience tinnitus directly after ongoing exposure to loud noises, but tinnitus can also spontaneously develop due to certain medical conditions or stressful events. If you have a sudden onset of tinnitus that seems to last, contact a medical professional.

Does a Ringing in My Ears Mean I Have Tinnitus?

A ringing in the ears is tinnitus. However, just because you experience a ringing in your ears, it does not necessarily mean that you are developing chronic tinnitus. In many instances, tinnitus can be fleeting. However, if you notice an ongoing or recurring ringing in your ears, it is likely that you do have tinnitus. 

Why Do My Ears Ring When I Am Stressed?

Tinnitus induced by anxiety is actually a fairly common occurrence for people who experience extreme stress. This can happen during high-intensity moments in your life, and it is generally temporary. Some people experience this with more frequency, depending on the frequency with which they are exposed to stressors.

Living your Life With Tinnitus

Tinnitus changes your life, and that is a fact–but it can actually change your life for the better. Many of the more effective tinnitus exercises and treatments are built around mindfulness practices and therapeutic techniques. These practices can be used to improve your life in other areas beyond simply quieting that unique sound in your ears.

If you are seeking a tinnitus diagnosis or have recently received one, remember that this is just one new chapter in your journey. You can learn to live a better life with tinnitus as long as you take the time to empower yourself through education. There is never a downside to understanding your body better, and tinnitus gives you a good reason to learn more about your body and natural biofeedback.

Flow with the Changes

Educating yourself and keeping a positive mindset as you seek to understand life with tinnitus is the best thing that you can do for yourself. It is natural to feel frustrated by your tinnitus, particularly if you have a severe case where you are more likely to experience the disruptive nature of this condition. There might be days when you simply wish that you could turn your tinnitus off, but with the appropriate solutions and treatments, you can find a way to improve your tinnitus and make peace with it along the way.

Explore Your Treatment Options

There are many paths to treatment available for tinnitus, all with varying degrees of success for different people. At Still Tinnitus, we believe that treating tinnitus is not a matter of one perfect treatment, but rather the combination of several scientifically-proven treatments pieced together into one singular method. 

The Still Tinnitus method brings together three clinically-proven methods of treating tinnitus into one comprehensive 5-module course. We cover everything from education to tinnitus exercises and workbook. You can help to silence your tinnitus one step at a time, all while learning about your body and calming your mind. To learn more, try out our 5-step video course today!

Want Tinnitus Relief?

Join my online course to calm the ringing in your ears – in just 5 steps.

Roel van Gorkum Founder of Still Tinnitus

About me

I was suffering badly from the ringing in my ears. I battled and battled – only to make it worse. Then, I started learning and developed a solution. Now, I help others find tinnitus relief.

Want Tinnitus Relief?

Watch my free masterclass to learn the proven method to calm your tinnitus and reclaim your life.