Tinnitus Blog
Google Tinnitus and you’ll find all kinds of stories that won’t help your recovery. Learn more about Tinnitus with these carefully researched, fact-based articles.
Is “I Cured My Tinnitus” True or Clickbait?
This guy on YouTube claims he cured his tinnitus. How did he do that and would it work for you?
What Can You Do Against Tinnitus?
Don’t let the internet confuse you. It is possible to habituate to tinnitus and stop suffering. Get your tinnitus relief with these 10 tips.
Is Tinnitus Measurable?
Can you measure tinnitus? Yes and no. The phantom sound produced by your brain can’t be heard, but the impact of tinnitus can be measured.
Is Tinnitus Dangerous?
Tinnitus is usually not dangerous, but there are certain diseases that cause tinnitus that are. So how can we make our brain stop worrying?
Can you get tinnitus from stress?
Yes, stress can start tinnitus. If your mental resilience drops, you can start to hear ringing in your ears. Is there a way to undo it?
How can you cure tinnitus?
How can you cure the ringing in your ears? Is that even possible? Learn why curing the suffering is possible, but the cause of tinnitus is not.
Does Tinnitus mean Hearing Damage?
You have tinnitus, but does this mean you also have hearing damage? Learn how noise exposure and stress can cause ringing in your ears.
Your Ultimate Guide To Tinnitus
It’s important to get your facts straight when you have tinnitus. We’ve got you covered in this ultimate guide to tinnitus.
The 7 Most Dangerous Myths About Tinnitus
Tinnitus forums are full of misinformation and rumors–find out what is true and what is just plain...
How To Cope With The Impact Of Tinnitus On Your Life
Tinnitus can be a life-changing condition–find out how it impacts you and how you can cope....
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Join my online course to calm the ringing in your ears – in just 5 steps.

About me
I was suffering badly from the ringing in my ears. I battled and battled – only to make it worse. Then, I started learning and developed a solution. Now, I help others find tinnitus relief.
Want Tinnitus Relief?
Watch my free masterclass to learn the proven method to calm your tinnitus and reclaim your life.